
UFRJ Nautilus would like to thank all the sponsors for their trust and support to the group. Because of them, we have been able to progressively develop and evolve Brazilian science and innovation. That is why, once again, we would like to show our gratitude to all who have provided our growth in the Brazilian and international scenario. The gesture of sponsorship is essential for us to keep our work and for us to succeed in the competitions.
Come be a sponsor too! So you can help us develop innovation in the production of autonomous Brazilian technology. and, in addition, our main objective is to develop projects of excellence and people for the world! The coolest thing is that you can be a part of it!
If you’re interested in being a sponsor, contact us in order to learn about our sponsorship plans!
Our master sponsor
TotalEnergies is a world leader in energy, present in more than 130 countries, committed to delivering better and affordable energy.
Gold sponsors
Silver sponsors
Bronze sponsors