
UFRJ Nautilus is configured as the first naval and submarine automation competition team in Latin America. The aim is to take the AUVs developed to ROBOSUB®, an international competition promoted by ROBONATION®, a non-profit organization that seeks to increase the visibility of the robotics community and arouse interest in the area. The competition takes place annually in San Diego, California/USA, and challenges engineering students to carry out recognition, movement and interaction missions in an underwater environment, in addition to building networking between young engineers and organizations responsible for creating and developing technology aimed at AUVs.
Robosub 2021
Robosub 2021 was held online, because of the pandemic. 12 countries, 54 teams and 1405 participants were involved in this competition and UFRJ Nautilus was amongst the ones that got awards. This was the first competition that our new AUV, Lua, participated.
14th place: Hull Design
6th place: Propulsion Systems
3rd place
Abstract - The UFRJ Nautilus team focused this year on the making of a brand new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called Lua. It comes with a completely new mechanical and electronic part and brings to the table our previous software algorithms with improvements. The mechanical work was focused on a lighter AUV with higher mobility and the addition of the mechanical arm and the ball dropper while the electrical work centered around the use of a backplane to guarantee a more organized and safer power distribution. For the software we brought our previous control system to the new AUV, now with 8 thrusters, enhancing the localization method and adding object manipulation to our set of skills. That enabled the team to do not only the tasks that depend solely on the location but also the tasks that involve the use of the mechanical arm and that requires dropping the markers.
3rd place: Technical Report
5th place: Team's website
6th place: Propulsion Systems
14th place: Hull Design
Robosub 2022
Coming soon...